I recently switched to Plusnet’s “Unlimited Fibre” package, but as soon as the transfer took place I was disconnected. I’m using my own router instead of a PlusNet-supplied one. It’s a TP-LINK Archer VR600 “fully compatible with DSL connections, fibre/cable access and 3G/4G USB dongles”. I had already set the router to DSL Modulation Type = “VDSL” (or VDSL2 depending which screen you are on).
To cut a rather long story short, I got connected by following the “Quick Setup” wizard, with the following options:

then enable VLAN ID and set it to 101. Also note on this screen: even if it shows a remembered password, I found it was best to paste in the password again – I had some failures when I did not do this:

then create/adjust WiFi networks (mine were already set up and I didn’t need to change anything):

and we get:

The crucial thing here was enabling VLAN ID and setting it to 101. I’ve no idea what that is and why it needs to be set to 101 - I found it out from this thread https://community.plus.net/t5/Fibre-Broadband/Replaced-Plusnet-Hub-with-Modem-amp-Router/td-p/1372911 (browsing in desperation on my phone over the terrible signal we have in Brecon!). To be fair it also says this on https://www.plus.net/help/broadband/broadband-connection-settings/ but that page wouldn’t load on my phone.
I’m thoroughly underwhelmed by Plusnet’s technical support people for not telling me this during three support calls. They stuck to the party line of trying to make me use their own router (free for £6.99 delivery and a delay of a few days waiting for it to arrive) and when I insisted I’d rather use my own they send out “instructions” for 3rd party routers which tell you only how to enter your username and password, and nothing about this VLAN ID. Needing to set the VLAN ID is an obvious gotcha that they must be fully aware of. And one of the emails they sent me contained information that was completely incorrect (instructions for ADSL instead of fibre).
Once this had been done, visiting the Advanced Settings showed the following:

but note – I found that changing anything on this page broke the connection completely, even returning the settings to these original values. I then had to go back around the Quick Setup routine, re-entering the password and re-setting the VLAN ID.