For posterity, here is the recipe, or rather the list of ingredients – I can’t remember how I made it, but I imagine “bung it all in the big pot, stir and simmer for an hour or so” should cover it. It is possible I fried the solids for a while first - who knows.
- Shallots (some)
- Tomatoes (1 tin ?)
- Onion (one)
- Garlic (some)
- Red pepper (one?) roasted and peeled
- Bramley Apple (one or two)
- Beetroot (too many)
- Olive Oil (a glug or two)
- Balsamic vinegar (not enough)
- White wine vinegar
- Ginger wine (still failed to finish that old bottle)
- Port (ditto)
- White pepper
- Black pepper
- Green Pepper
- Salt
- Coriander
- Red chilli
- Sweet paprika
- Allspice
- Brazil peppercorns (eh? what are these? I wrote it down at the time though so it must be true – oh I know it was in a bizarre spice mix that I bunged in)
- Worcestershire sauce (and all that ent

The result is disconcertingly pink, and slightly too runny, but tastes good enough to eat half a jar at lunchtime with some cheddar and tongue. It doesn’t keep more than a few days once opened, probably because not enough vinegar and no sugar.