Posts From July, 2013

A pink and blue floral farewell to the FujiFilm HS10

A last frolic in the flowers for our FujiFilm FinePix HS10, about to be retired (and handed over to the kids) in favour of a new HS50 EXR. Here’s a stalk of Verbena bonariensis… And again, with the poppy heads making themselves known: A rose peeping out from the smoke bush: And pink and blue salad of geranium and rambling rose: read more

Written on the blotter

An old blotting paper table covering is finding its way to the recycling bin, but in a corner amidst the doodles and noughts-and-crosses, this was written long ago by the Helly: Help! Please, someone! As if stuck in a world of darkness I cannot see, only hear and feel. Please help! Oh no, wait, I was just closing my eyes, silly me! Sorry... read more